Movement Research (2021), a conference where the thinking moves
Movement Research practical conference will focus on contemporary approaches and practices, artists whose work, at least in certain segments, is devoted to movement research in an experiential, analytical and methodological way. Historically, the emergence of movement research has not only generated systems that have moved away from techniques (like somatics), nor exclusively functional systems that have dealt with the health aspects of kinetics, but has produced individual and group dance practices that have fundamentally changed the idiom of contemporary dance, moving it from stylistic-formal approaches to a time in which movement is changing, transforming and evolving.
The conference is dedicated to local and regional artists who are producing dance movement in a procedural way (with tasks, agreed principles, scores, instructions and other tools) and transforming it into a responsive material through sensual kinetics. It will be subjected to questions of what we do, how we do it and how others perceive it, what is choreography beyond the formalist object or the expressive production of the dance subject. We believe that somatic practices transcend the exclusive space and time of the studio, and that they are the site of a sensibility and mindfulness that, in contact with the public, can become political action, since their constitutive and indistinguishable link between the action and its reception, to which both dancer and spectator are subject, has the power of communal confrontation and consolidation, and can ultimately be the producer of individual ethical integrities. In Slovenia, movement research lacks visibility and recognition, and is largely excluded from cultural-political and production systems, despite the fact that there is a great deal of interest in it in the Slovenian contemporary dance scene, as artists are creating their own practices on a remarkable scale. The event will address questions of artistic, studio research as a relevant autonomous practice, and will pose them in a problematic and dialogic manner.
Guests: Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld, Katja Legin, Matej Kejžar, Anja Bornšek, Jan Rozman, Zrinka Šimičić Mihanović and others
Organisation: Kino Šiška and NDA Slovenija
Kino Šiška, Komuna Hall ?
Monday, 29th November, 2021, at 3:00 p.m
Free entry
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PHOTO: Urška Boljkovac / archive Kino Šiška